Positive Behaviour Management Tips

What is the most effective way to foster positive behaviour in your classroom and how can you manage your more “difficult” students? Here are some of our top tips.…

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My journey: how I became a TA & why (guest post)

In this guest post, we find out how a plan to be a fashion designer turned into a career as a teaching assistant! Maybe it could be the ideal job for you too - read more here.…

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Preparing to support your pupils with SEND (nasen guest post)

How can you prepare to support children with SEND in the new school year? Alex Grady, Education Deveolopment Officer for nasen, has kindly provided us with this essential guidance in her guest blog…

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Would a career in recruitment suit you? If you answer “yes” to these 5 questions, then it probably would!

How do you know if a career in recruitment would suit you? What skills are needed and is it something you can do if you have no prior experience? Find out here by asking yourself these 5 key questions.…

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Help! I’m a new SENCO and don’t know where to start – blog by Gareth Morewood

If you’re new to the profession, the role of the SENCO might initially seem complex and unsupported. It’s important to know that you’re never alone!…

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