FREE Mindfulness Worksheet for Stress Management

It is well documented that children and adults alike can benefit from mindfulness activities. This FREE worksheet focuses on how to detect and manage stress in our bodies. Use it with your class or with individuals during one to one support sessions.…

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Using symbols to reinforce learning in the home environment (guest post)

This guest post is kindly provided by Sarah Lachlann-Dean. She is a chartered teacher and communication lead at Woodlands High school in Cardiff. In this article, Sarah explores the value of using a range of communication tools, and has also provided us with a fantastic visual communication book which has been made available for families to download and use completely free of charge.…

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SEND schools and abbreviations

At Axcis, our focus is on special educational needs and disabilities. Here is an overview of the way the SEND school system is organised in the UK, and the most commonly used SEND abbreviations you are likely to come across.…

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Axcis candidates: How to complete your online registration

Have you recently registered for work with Axcis online and have received an email asking you to complete your details? Or perhaps you’re looking to register with us and want to find out how it works. Find the answers to these queries here.…

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I didn’t think I could be a special needs teacher, but then I read this!

Are you a newly qualified teacher looking for your first job? Or an experienced teacher in a mainstream school looking for a new challenge? If you haven’t considered teaching pupils with special needs before, read on to find out if it could be the right career move for you.…

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